Sunday, February 24, 2008

Henry Fuzzyseats and other things that are new.....

Yesterday, a modern miracle happened. It is such a God thing that I really wanted to post it. For the last year...I have been desperate to have a second car. I've prayed about the situation and was very disappointed when we didn't have enough funds in our income tax return to buy an older car. I figured it just wasn't the time. Then a friend called and said that they had an extra car....just sitting on their insurance and in their driveway........would I like to buy it and make payments. To make matters better.....we found insurance where we could fully cover both cars for the same price as covering just our main car on our old insurance. We then, looked at our finances after working out payments with our friend yesterday, and bringing home the car....that we will be paying off another bill that will be exactly the amount we need for our car payment, and to cover the additional upkeep and gas each month. God is so good to me.
Henry Fuzzyseats is what we named our "new" friend. He's a 97 Honda Accord, and we are blessed to have him. The kids think he is awesome, and they of course are the ones who named him.
I love when the hand of providence is so clearly written across something that happens. When you know that it is a direct answer to prayer, and that God has opened every door. I am of course also greatful to my wonderful friends who just happened to have a car........
Sometimes Nick and I feel like we are about to crumble under the pressure of our daily life. Especially with all the doctors appointments and his physical therapy schedule....we were scrambling to think of how we would work it all out. Somedays the kids and I spend enough time in the car to take a trip to Columbus and back. ......however, we never go much more that 10 miles from home.
This car will allow me to come straight home from school each day. To get alittle done around the house before I poop out, and to have dinner at home, at a decent hour. Who would have thought one little car could mean so much. I'm so happy. I'm sure my parents are too, because it means that we never have to borrow Dad's car again.....or ask them for help with rides.....or come over everyday and mess up their house waiting for Nick........or make Mom late for work....
What a huge relief. Thank you God.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow...praise Him all creatures here below.....praise Him above ye heavenly host.....praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

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