Monday, February 4, 2008

Pure Worship

Yesterday morning.....I awoke with a migraine. That is no big news....but, it was Sunday morning. Last Sunday, I missed church, because I was so unwell. I felt I couldn't miss my weekly injection of encouragement. So, I forced myself to get dressed, put in my contacts so that my face didn't hurt so much...slapped on a pair of dark sunglasses and drug myself to church. I was blessed for it!!!!! I experienced one of those rare occassions where I got a glimpse of what heaven would be like. Pure, uninhibited, joyful worship. From the minute I walked in to the church building yesterday....I could tell that the Lord has something special planned just for me. I was open and ready, despite feeling like I was going to pass out. The song service was a mix of Hymns and worship songs.......just the perfect blend of words and soul to really open my heart to the Lord's guidance. I 've really been struggling the last few weeks. The song Amazing Love (You Are My King) started....I cried as I sang....I turned my full face to heaven and I sang with all the fibers of my being. It is truly one of my favorite songs.

I'm forgiven, because you were forsaken.
I'm accepted, you were condemned.
I'm alive and well, your spirit is within me, because you died and rose again.

Amazing love. How can it be? That you my king would die for me?
Amazing love. I know it's true. It's my joy to honor you. In all I do, I honor you.

You are my king, Jesus, you are my king.

Such simple, yet profound words. I am a living vessel of Christ. I am a part of something so much bigger than myself. I have a loving King, who carries me when I cannot go it myself. I am able to do things I never thought possible, because His spirit....the Holy Spirit lives in me. My life is honor Him. In everything, not just on Sunday morning, not just on a missions trip.
That song......just absolutely gives me goose bumps everytime I sing it....or think on it.
Yesterday, it was a lifeline, a reminder, and a promise.

God didn't stop blessing me when the last strains of music died. He blessed me with a message that I could have sworn was written and delivered just for me. I recently commented to a friend ...that I felt that not having the courage to stand and be counted for what you know is God breathed is a sin. It's cowardice to sit in a pew and allow apathy and such to go on, especially in church and not be a voice for truth.

Don't you know, the message yesterday was the story of Noah. Noah, warned and told the people for 100 years...that a flood was coming. That destruction was coming. God in his Compassionate wisdom, sent a warning...even though he was so angry at man. The Bible says he was so angry, He was sorry he had created the world, yet, he sent a messanger....the one man who's heart had won his favor......Noah. Noah wasn't some politician, he wasn't a celebrity, he was just an ordinary man. Can you imagine the ridicule he suffered? Geez, nowadays, you say you are a believer, and you can be other believers and non believeres alike.....imagine how much more this man suffered for 100 years. Yet, he did not waver. He continued buiding this crazy ship.....that had 1,000,000 square feet of space.....made out of a specific a very specific way. Then, he didn't have to gather the the time they needed to come God sent them to Noah. Can you imagine that?
So what? So, Noah believed. He perservered. He was consistent. He was chosen by God, because he had a personal was his heart that wond God's favor in the first place, and he was bold. He stood for what was good and a time where evil thoughts were everywhere....where wicked actions were the norm.....where apathy ran wild.
Sound familiar? See any parallels? Not only do I believe that Noah can parallel the world today, but more importantly the church.
So.......then I need to look at my spiritual life and ask myself the following questions...and I encourage anyone reading to do the same:

Is my faith definitive? Is there a clear contrast to sin? Do I have a personal relationship with the Lord? Do I have a living faith instead of a practiced religion? Am I bold? Do I stand up for things that are right, even when they aren't the popular view? Can I step up when courage is demanded? Am I consistent? Am I doing this all the time or only sometimes? Is my faith anticipitory? Am I looking ahead to what God has in store for me at the end of days? Am I caught up in now? Am I living like I'm dieing?
Lots of questions to I measure up?

I walked out of that church yesterday.........renewed, happy......I love pure worship. I am heart is full.....and I have a sense of direction. I also have alot of work to do.

Anyway, for those who are unsure about the true story of is found in Genesis...I believe the 5th -7th chapters......check it is a truly amazing story. And, if you want a vivid picture of what it might have been like for Noah....even though .....this picture is in no way accurate.....Evan really cool...when the animals come, and the reaction of the people......check em out.

Well, that's all for this morning.....I was just so moved yesterday.....I had to share some of my thoughts. I have another hour before I actually have to be up, so maybe I can take a nap on the couch now.....I didn't fall asleep until 1.....was up twice, and finally got up about 4:45. I miss sleep.
I have a fibro doctor appt. today after work...I'll keep everyone.....posted on whatsup.....
I'm always open to comments.......

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