Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Urodynamics and other new torture devices.......

So, one thing about living with fibromyalgia.....heretofore will be referred to as the Great Fibro has to wonder why they are allowed to suffer in such a way. I believe that I was given this great journey so that I could grow through my suffering and others might learn and grow through me. That doesn't mean however; that I am enjoying my experience. There are many things that the great fibro monster brings.......sleeplessness, joint and muscle and soft tissue pain......irritable bowel syndrome.........cognitive delays.......stiffness......constant headaches......dry skin, dry mouth, dry hair.......and, today I got to go and have someone shove things into all my lower orifices and measure everything on a was both painful and humiliating......yet another fantastic side effect to the great fibro monster. My point in telling because, as I sat feeling sorry for myself in the bathtub this evening, cramping and aching.....wishing that I wasn't so tired and so achy.....I have to remind myself of the suffering Jesus went through for me......that he never promised us that life would be easy and of the joy I will one day be privy to..........just wish I didn't have to suffer so long to get there......but ohhhhh how much sweeter it will be when I finally see his face.


Jim said...

Just did a quick google on fibromyalgia. Wasn't aware that you wrestled with it. Good grief, ma'am, I need to join you in some prayer about this...

BethAnn said...

I greatly appreciate and value all the prayer i can get! Thanks!